18. The Burden’s Source

18. The Burden’s Source
WORLDLY-WISEMAN: How then did you come by your burden in the first place? CHRISTIAN: By reading this book in my hand. WORLDLY-WISEMAN: I thought so. It has happened to you in the same way that other weak men, in meddling with things that are too high for them, have suddenly…

17. Our Great Burden

17. Our Great Burden
CHRISTIAN: What you describe us certainly what I am seeking after, namely to be rid of my burden. But I cannot get relief by myself, nor do I know of a man in our country who can lift it off from my shoulders. So, for this reason I am heading…

16. Questionable Advice

16. Questionable Advice
WORLDLY-WISEMAN: Hello there, my good fellow, and where are you traveling with such a burdened manner? CHRISTIAN: Yes, it certainly is a burdened manner, and as good a one as any poor creature ever had. As to where I am going, sir, let me tell you. I am on my…

15. Mr. Worldly Wiseman

15. Mr. Worldly Wiseman
Now as Christian was walking all alone, he notices someone else in the distance on his way across the field coming to meet him. And so it happened that they met just when their paths crossed. The name of this particular gentleman was Mr. Worldly Wiseman who resided in the…

14. Pliable Arrives Home

14. Pliable Arrives Home
Now I [Bunyan] saw in my dream that by this time, Pliable had arrived back at his house. So, his neighbors came to visit him, and some of them called him wise on account of his return to his home; some called him a fool for endangering himself with Christian's…

13. The Way Through Despair

13. The Way Through Despair
It is not the pleasure of the King that this place should remain in such a bad condition. For this reason, His laborers have, according to the direction of His Majesty's surveyors, been employed for sixteen hundred [now over two-thousand] years attempting to mend this piece of ground. Yes, to…

Bible Study Together

Bible Study Together
Several families in the church have made a commitment to read the Bible together using a common plan and resource. That way we're all on the same page and can hold each other accountable and be ready to answer questions or concerns as they arise in the reading. We'd love…

Guide to the Members Portal

Guide to the Members Portal
As we roll into the new year, we're making some changes on the website and offering some new and exciting things. But we recognize that change is not easy for everyone, and it can be intimidating. With that in mind, this post is meant to address some of the questions…

12. The Arrival of Help

12. The Arrival of Help
However, I [Bunyan] saw in my dream that a man came to him named Help, (1) and he asked Christian, "What are you doing here? CHRISTIAN: Sir, I was advised to go this way by a man named Evangelist, and he directed me toward the Wicket-gate ahead so that I…

Angels: Light Shines in the Darkness

Angels: Light Shines in the Darkness
And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God and saying, “Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace among those with whom he is pleased!” Luke 2:13-14 (ESV) Angels are terrifying! Forget those cute little chubby babies that you sometimes see in paintings. They…