Christ Must Increase
July 26, 2020

Christ Must Increase

Passage: John 3:22-30
Service Type:

Discussion Questions:

  • Read Jesus' conversation with Nicodemus from the first half of John 3:1-21
  • Then read John the Baptist answer to his disciples in the second half of John 3:22-36
  • See how many parallels you can find. (hint: v. 14 (lifted up) & v.30 (increase))
  • What is John's purpose for writing this gospel according to John 20:30-31?
  • How do you respond to Jesus claims to be the only way?
  • Do you take him seriously when he says in Matthew 10:37-39, that anyone who doesn't love him more than mother, father, son, daughter, and even their own life isn't worthy of him?
  • What does it mean for you to love Jesus with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength?
  • What does John's response to his disciples have to do with the issue of purification that is mentioned?
  • Reread John the Baptizer's comments about Jesus in John 1:29 then Bride of Christ in Revelation 21:9
  • Do you see a connection? If not, Read Ephesians 5:25-27 to get it.
  • Do you have any un-biblical expectations of Jesus? Do you know your Bible well enough to know?
  • Do you have a desire to be a supporting player in your own life? That is what it looks like to have Christ increase.
  • Think about one way that Christ Must Increase in your thnking this week.
  • Think about one way that Christ Must Increase in your emotions this week.
  • Think about one way that Christ Must Increase in your actions this week.


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