Faith: Embracing God’s Unseen Promises
July 19, 2020

Faith: Embracing God’s Unseen Promises

Passage: Hebrews 11:13
Service Type:

Discussion Questions:

  • Review the story of Abraham in Genesis 12-25. Count how many promises God made to Abraham. How many did Abraham see fulfilled in his life?
  • What does it look like to have the faith to see God's promises and to greet them without physically receiving them?
  • What is more valuable to you: Comfort, riches, power, and status OR Knowledge of God and a relationship with him through Jesus?
  • Which one do you treat as more valuable through your actions?
  • Which one would seem more valuable to you if you look at your calendar, your checkbook, and your convictions?
  • As Abraham received the promised son Isaac as a down payment for all the promises of God, what promise has God fulfilled to you to let you know that the unseen is to be expected with faith and hope (2 Corinthians 1:20)?
  • As believers, we live in the tension between the already and the not yet. What part of salvation have you already experienced and felt? What part is still awaited by faith?
  • How do you need to reorder your life to show your satisfaction in the promises of God?


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