Faith Like Abraham
July 12, 2020

Faith Like Abraham

Passage: Hebrews 11:8-12
Service Type:


  • Abraham's faith in his obedience
  • Abraham's faith in his inheritance
  • Abraham's faith in his patience
  • Abraham's faith in his strength

Discussion Questions

  1. God called Abram to obedience. To follow Him beyond what he could see. God told him He would show him a land. He did not say He would give it to him nor did He say what it was. Any applications here in your life?
  2. Abram leaving his father’s house was definitely a move out of his comfort zone, a move from what he knew into faith. Luke 14:26 speaks about how our love for God in comparison to our love for our family should be seen as “hatred”. We must love God that much more and be willing to leave what we know for what He has promised. What comfort zones in your life is God seeking to move you out of?
  3. Why do we hesitate when it comes to obeying God?
  4. We must always remember when God makes a promise He will come through 100% of the time. Sometimes the way in which he fulfills promises in our life may not be our way, but our ways are not His ways, His are infinitely better. How can this be applied to your life, to your family relationships, your friends, and your ministry?
  5. The journey of faith that Abram was called to travel was quite an adventure
    (thousands of miles into foreign land). What journey of faith is calling you to take?


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