“Now Christian was somewhat of two minds concerning what he should do. But he soon concluded that if what this congenial gentleman said was true, then his wisest course would be for him to take his advice. So, with this in mind, he further spoke with Mr. Worldly-Wiseman.

CHRISTIAN: Sir, which way is it that I should take to this honest man’s house?

WORLDLY-WISEMAN: Do you see a high hill that is just ahead of you?

CHRISTIAN: Yes, very clearly.

WORLDLY-WISEMAN: Then you must go beyond that Hill, and the first house you will come to is that of Mr. Legality.

So, Christian departed from his present course so as to head toward Mr. Legality’s house for help. But notice that when he had drawn very close to the Hill, it seemed so high that it appeared to almost hang over him and threaten to crush him. Being paralyzed with fear, he stopped rather than go any further. As a result, he did not know what to do. Also, his burden now seemed much heavier than when he was formerly in the way. There also came flashes of fire erupting out of the Hill that made Christian fear that he would be burned. For this reason, he was terrified and began to sweat and tremble in his body. Now he was sorry [repented] that he had taken Mr. Worldly Wiseman’s advice. Yet at that very moment he saw Evangelist coming directly toward him, and this caused him to blush with shame. So, Evangelist drew near, while appearing to be most indignant in his mood, for he seemed eager to talk soberly with Christian.”

John Bunyan, The Pilgrim’s Progress

  1. Why would Christian even think of departing from the way in which Evangelist had set him to in the beginning?
  2. Do you think the enemy of the pilgrims could be that convincing, that they could sway the mind of a believer to do what should not be done?
  3. Does the name legality send up “Red Flags” for you?
  4. Is it not sweet to know that the Lord will send one to help us even when we fail Him?

Dear Christian, let us read very carefully the second paragraph and read it many times. It shows us many things, two of which are, 1. The dangers of following the advice of the world and 2. How the Law, though good, cannot remove the burden from off our backs. How desperate we become when we stray from the good teaching and preaching from the under-shepherds that God has placed over us and His words found in the pages of the Bible. There is no salvation in Law, it is only our Schoolmaster, pointing us to Christ, the only one to fulfill the whole of The Law so that by His shed blood on Calvary’s cross, He would save us to the uttermost!

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